Joey Mullen and her newlywed husband have recently moved into Melville Heights to live with her brother and his pregnant wife Rebecca. While Joey's life seemed to be headed in one direction, she can't seem to get established now that she has moved back to England and can't stop herself from developing an infatuation with Tom Fitzwilliam, her married neighbor and school headmaster.
Melville Heights boasts an eclectic blend of characters, each adding their unique flavor to the cast - Tom Fitzwilliam's teenage son Freddie who likes to spy on the entire neighborhood as opposed to interacting with anyone individually; Jenna Tripp, a student at Tom Fitzwilliam's school, whose mother suffers from paranoid delusions and believes she is being targeted; Rebecca, Joey's sister-in-law, that is as detached as can be and has yet to develop any bond with Joey; Tom's wife Nicola who plays the perfect trophy wife. While Joey keeps going deeper into murky waters with Tom Fitzwilliam, Freddie and Jenna begin to suspicion that there is more to Mr. Fitzwilliam's squeaky clean reputation that meets the eye.
Watching You is like a spider web of storylines that keeps you guessing up to the very end. This was a five star read with many twists and turns along the way. Highly recommend!
I received a copy of this book courtesy of Atria Books through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.