This novel tells two distinctly different stories but both with ties to Grand Central Station. One story is set in 1928 and follows the life of illustrator Clara Darden as she struggles to find her place in the New York art world. The other story is set in 1974 as newly divorced Virginia Clay attempts to navigate life in a changing world. Both characters are so well written and compelling that I was equally drawn into both plot lines. I also loved how Grand Central Station almost became a character in itself. The descriptions are so vivid that I felt as if I was taking a trip through time as the Station changed over the years. I thoroughly enjoyed these glimpses into two very different worlds and times. I also loved how there was a suspenseful element behind both stories and it is always an added bonus when I'm surprised with plot developments along the way.
This was a five star read for me and I highly recommend! I received this book courtesy of Dutton Penguin Publishing Group through Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.