Fixie Farr has this irresistible impulse to fix things, whether its straightening the stock shelves at Farrs, her family business, or even when its sometimes overstepping by brushing lint off a complete stranger. To a certain extent, Fixie serves a 'doormat' for her siblings Jake and Nicole, picking up the slack for them at the family business and at home, unable to ever say no or speak her mind. During a visit to her local coffee shop, a gentleman asks her to watch his laptop while he steps out to take a phone call. Fixie agrees and ends up barely avoiding disaster. The gentleman is so appreciative he writes an IOU on a coffee sleeve and gives Fixie his business card. While she doesn't initially intend to call in a favor from a near stranger, circumstances change and Fixie finds herself rethinking her position.
Fixie is such an endearing character. It's almost like a romantic comedy where you cheer for her at times and then at other times, want to point her in the right direction. I really enjoyed this cast of characters and the way the plot unfolded. The family dynamic was well written and I enjoyed the interaction between all the characters.
I received this book courtesy of Dial Press/Random House through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.