Reminiscent of a Real Housewives show, five young successful women are cast in a reality tv show Goal Diggers and as usual with reality tv, drama ensues. The book opens with the show at the end of its season and the information that Brett, one of the show's main characters, has been killed. Things aren't exactly as they are being portrayed. The book then flashes back to the beginning of the season and is told by the alternating voices three of the show's stars: Brett, the young lesbian entrepreneur, Stephanie, the bestselling author, and Kelly, Brett's older sister.
It quickly becomes obvious that all five women aren't quite as they are being characterized on tv and all have something to hide. But how did Brett die and who is responsible? You will be guessing right up until the very end.
I enjoyed this fun summer read. It truly did remind me of some of the reality tv shows and what might go on behind the scenes. It can be your guilty pleasure of summer.
I received The Favorite Sister courtesy of Simon & Schuster through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.