This novel impressed me on so many levels. I think having the book co-authored by both a white woman and a black woman helped to give an authentic voice to Belle de Costa Greene's situation and her emotions. Reading about her career and all that she accomplished during her lifetime was inspiring and captivating at the same time. I am so grateful that the authors took the time to unearth her story and give it a voice in today's world. It was neat reading in the author notes about how the authors developed such a close bond writing this book together and that it opened up honest discussions about race between them both. I believe that this book has the power to bring people together and is an important read for all of us.
Good Morning America selected The Personal Librarian as their Book of the Month pick for July. I really enjoyed the interview Deborah Roberts did with the authors. The interview takes place at the Morgan Library and if my review hasn't peaked your interest yet, check it out:
The Personal Librarian was most definitely a five star read for me and I highly recommend reading it I received this book courtesy of the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.