The Kept Woman features Detective Will Trent as the discovery of a former cop's body at a construction site becomes much more complicated than it first seems. Will's estranged wife is involved and that turns Will's world upside down as the investigation heats up.
Since this was the first book I had read featuring Will Trent and that cast of characters, I feel I might not have enjoyed it as much as someone who would be more familiar with the series. It is readable without having read the other books, but I did feel that I was missing some of the background on the various characters in the book. I did feel that some of the violence and gore was a bit over the top, which seems odd to say when discussing an murder/mystery/crime novel, but I did feel some sections were a little too gruesome or graphic. That said, it didn't deter me from wanting to reach the conclusion of the book and see how the plot would turn out.
I received this book courtesy of William Morrow through Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.