The reader follows Elsa's journey, beginning in Texas where after a somewhat tumultuous start with her new husband and in-laws, she grows to love the farm and their life there. As her life begins to take on new meaning, the Dust Bowl hits their farm and her life is completely upended. Those long months put a strain on her family like none Elsa has ever experienced. Circumstances cause Elsa to move her family across the country to California in search of a a better life, only to be met with a situation that is nearly worse than what she was living with in Texas.
The resilience and spirit that the author conveys through this novel is inspiring. Reading about the hardships that these Americans faced and how they were determined to keep their spirits afloat was uplifting and motivating.
I appreciated the amount of research and detail that were included about this period in our history and enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about this important time. The descriptions were vividly portrayed from the ditch bank camps in California to the dust storms in Texas. The characters were well developed and I could easily picture each character clearly in my mind, making the novel a pleasure to read.
I received this novel courtesy of the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.