Small Great Things is the story of Ruth Jefferson, the only African American nurse working in the labor and delivery ward of a small hospital. She is good at her job and enjoys attending to her patients, but that reputation changes the day she cares for the baby of a white supremacist couple. What happens shakes the foundations of everyone involved and Ruth finds herself on a journey she never predicted.
The story is presented in the unique and vivid voices of Turk, the white supremacist father, Kennedy, the public defender representing Ruth, and Ruth herself. I never cease to be amazed by Jodi Picoult's writing and how she handles controversial topics. I can know how I feel about a certain issue, but then I read one of Jodi's books and she does such an amazing job making you see all sides of an argument that I'm left with a new perspective and appreciation for both viewpoints. Some of the most memorable books I have read have been the works of Jodi Picoult and Small Great Things is another one on that growing list.
I hope this book can be introduced into our education and school systems. I think it would help make great strides in race relations and human relations in general. Small Great Things is definitely a book that should get people talking and examining their own thoughts and feelings.
I received this book courtesy of Ballantine Books through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.