While also being set in the same town, Of Literature and Lattes could truly be read as a standalone novel. There are some familiar characters that appear but this novel introduces new individuals to the town. The book primarily focuses on Jeremy Mitchell who has just moved to Winsome and taken over ownership of the local coffee shop and Alyssa Harrison, a Winsome local that is returning from Silicon Valley after a workplace scandal. Both of these characters seem to be running from their past, and perhaps into each other's future.
The author does an amazing job creating the town of Winsome and the cast of beloved characters. Each character seems so realistic that that truly come to life off the page. I think most readers would find many, if not all, of the characters relatable. I very much hope that she will continue to explore the lives of the residents of Winsome, because I'm just not ready to let any of them go. I just want to stroll the streets and visit The Printed Letter Bookshop, the coffee shop Andante, and the other quaint shops I envision there.
I received this book courtesy of Thomas Nelson Fiction through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.