The story centers around three main characters: Cate Four, a physiotherapist whose husband Roan Fours is a child psychologist; Owen Pick, a mid thirties college professor who recently lost his job due to some sexual misconduct allegations and lives with his aunt across the street from the Fours; and Saffrye Maddox, a former patient of Roan Fours, who has been following and watching Dr. Fours in hopes of re-establishing that relationship. All of these separate, yet connected, lives converge when young Saffrye goes missing and accusations are made.
This story kept me guessing and trying to uncover the truth behind it all. The pacing is always spot on with Lisa Jewell's stories and I really enjoy how she develops the plot and characters. A really terrific book that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
I received this book courtesy of Atria Books through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.