Beartown is the story of a town on the brink of something. Is Beartown destined for greatness when the hockey team wins their championship game and energizes not only the town's residents but the community's economy, or is Beartown heading for extinction when the hockey team loses that championship match and Beartown fades into obscurity.
This novel is also the story of family, those who are blood related and those who become like family to us. It is also a story of strength, courage and determination on so many different levels. It is a story of conflict, doubt and growing up. Beartown is all these things and so much more.
I enjoyed this book, but I will say that it doesn't move as fast as some of Mr. Backman's previous work. I was about 30% into the book and having some difficulty engaging in the plot as well as keeping track of the many characters, but it is worth sticking it out because this is such a well crafted novel. I believe Beartown is the first in a trilogy so that will give readers an opportunity to continue on the journey with Beartown and its residents.
I received this book courtesy of Atria Books through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.