A Spark of Light is so well researched and really delves into such a weighty issue with a finesse that only Jodi Picoult can. It is the epitome of a conversation starter and it touches on things that could only benefit people on both sides of the issue to consider.
I would recommend this novel, but I will say that the format of the storytelling takes a little getting used to. The story opens with the ending of the day at the clinic and then flashes back an hour at a time, so for me, that did interrupt the flow of the storyline some. After finishing the novel, I did go back and re-read the first chapter so that I could remind myself how the storylines ended for a few of the characters.
This is a novel that will stay with me for some time and as always, I have a deeper appreciation for Jodi Picoult's prowess as an author after reading her work.
I received this book courtesy of Random House Publishing Group Ballantine Books through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.