The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau is a dystopian fiction book. The Testing is about a girl named Malencia Vale who is sixteen years old. It is graduation day for Cia, and her burning question is whether she will be chosen for the testing, or not. The testing is how the government decides who is going to be the future leaders of the United Commonwealth. Cia is chosen. Before she departs her father tells her what he remembered of the testing. He tells her of dark stories full of death. Before she leaves he tells her to trust no one. To find out what happens to Cia read The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau. I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars. This book is part of a trilogy which I am looking forward to reading. This book is also a Truman nominee for 2015-2016. You can find my post about the Missouri Reading Award Nominees at: .