Mechanica by Betsy Cornwell is a steampunk version of Cinderella. This book is about a girl named Nicolette (or Nick) whose mother is a brilliant inventor, and her dad sells her mother's inventions. Since her mom is always busy in her workshop and her dad is always selling her mom's inventions, Nick's family has a maid/ butler/ babysitter of sorts who is part Fey. Feys are magical creatures who come from a land beyond. Tensions start heating up between the Feys and Nick's homeland. People are saying the Fey's magic is evil. The queen of Nick's homeland comes down with Fey's croup and the only cure is lovesbane. The queen dies from a lethal overdose of lovesbane. After her death, the king cuts off all trade with the fey and deports them. Shortly after the queen's death, Nick's mom gets Fey's croup but lovesbane is now illegal and unavailable. Nick's mom succumbs to Fey's croup. Now the household income has dropped almost to nothing since Nick's dad sold his wife's inventions. Then Nick's dad remarries and Nick gets a stepmother and two stepsisters. Shortly after the marriage, a full out war with the Fey starts. Nick's dad becomes a casualty of the war. This leaves Nick all alone with no family except her stepmother and her two stepsisters. She becomes the family's servant and takes care of the house and her stepmother and her two stepsisters (the Steps). On her 16th birthday, she finds her mom's workshop. Nick now starts inventing and following in her mothers path. As the story goes on, Nick tries to find ways to create a life away from the Steps, have her own workshop and be self-sufficient in hopes of one one buying the house from the Steps. Nick finds a couple of friends along the way. Like all Cinderella stories, there is a ball and in this steampunk version, there is also a Grand Exposition where all the great inventors and artisans are invited to create a piece and showcase it. As the plot thickens, Nick discovers more and more about her mom's inventions, making new friends, finding her true self, and having to constantly risk everything.
I highly enjoyed this steampunk take on Cinderella. I rate this book 4 out of 5 stars. This book varies from a lot of Cinderella stories since Nick is more independent than other lead Cinderella characters. If you liked Cinder or fractured fairy tales, put this book on your must read list. I received this book from Clarion Books through Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.
I highly enjoyed this steampunk take on Cinderella. I rate this book 4 out of 5 stars. This book varies from a lot of Cinderella stories since Nick is more independent than other lead Cinderella characters. If you liked Cinder or fractured fairy tales, put this book on your must read list. I received this book from Clarion Books through Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.