The Sorrow family legacy unfolds in The Witch of Bourbon Street by Suzanne Palmieri. This multi-layered, multi-generational story immerses you deep into the Louisiana bayou and the voodoo and mysticism of New Orleans culture. Frances Sorrow has tried for years to escape her past, but now realizes she must face up to her past in order to move beyond it. But as you soon learn, Frances’s own past has been tangled with that of her ancestors and she must unravel all those ropes in order to find answers. All of the characters, both living and dead, were brought to vivid life by the author and her descriptive writing really brought the entire landscape of the novel to life. The setting is an integral part of the story and is almost its own character.
I was very intrigued with this book and enjoyed it thoroughly. The novel is well paced and I read into the night to find out the conclusion of the Sorrow family's story. I definitely plan to read Suzanne Palmieri’s other novels, including The Witch of Little Italy and The Witch of Belladonna Bay. I received this book as part of the BookSparks Summer Reading Challenge in exchange for an honest review.
I was very intrigued with this book and enjoyed it thoroughly. The novel is well paced and I read into the night to find out the conclusion of the Sorrow family's story. I definitely plan to read Suzanne Palmieri’s other novels, including The Witch of Little Italy and The Witch of Belladonna Bay. I received this book as part of the BookSparks Summer Reading Challenge in exchange for an honest review.