The Grown Ups by Robin Antalek is an engaging story about a group of friends and the journeys their lives take from middle school into adulthood. The story is told from the perspectives of Sam, Bella and Suzie. In addition, we meet Sam's older brother Michael and all the parents of Sam, Bella and Suzie. Their paths start together, branch apart and come back together throughout their lives. I really enjoyed being able to watch each character grow and change throughout the course of the book. While each character faced very different challenges, they were all relatable. The story also delves into the role our parents play in our lives and the changes to that relationship over time.
The Grown Ups is a story about love, forgiveness and growing up. I believe The Grown Ups would be a good book club selection and there are discussion questions included.
I received this book as part of the BookSparks Summer Reading Challenge 2015.
You may purchase this book here:
Barnes and Noble
The Grown Ups is a story about love, forgiveness and growing up. I believe The Grown Ups would be a good book club selection and there are discussion questions included.
I received this book as part of the BookSparks Summer Reading Challenge 2015.
You may purchase this book here:
Barnes and Noble